
Below was the program for the 2012 conference. The 2011, 2010 and 2009 conference programs can be found at their respective websites. Program

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Day 1: Wednesday, March 21st, 2012

12:30 PM Conference Registration Opens
1:30 PM Introduction and Welcome to the Conference
  • Olaf Scholz – Mayor of Hamburg
  • Karl Gernandt – Executive Vice Chairman, Delegate of the Board of Directors and Member of the Executive Committee, Kuehne+Nagel
  • Luk Van Wassenhove – Conference Co-chair, Academic Director of The KLU – INSEAD Research Center on Humanitarian Logistics and Professor at INSEAD
2:00 PM Keynote
  • Laura Thompson - Deputy Director General, International Organization for Migration
Moderated by: Prashant Yadav – Senior Research Fellow and Director, Healthcare Research Initiative, William Davidson Institute, University of Michigan
2:45 PM Break and Poster Presentations
During the breaks, participants will be able to walk around and enjoy a diverse collection of Poster Presentations.
3:15 PM Panel 1: Sustainable Disaster Preparedness
Organized by Luk Van Wassenhove – Conference Co-Chair
  • PDF Fathi Buhazza – President & CEO, Care by Air
  • PDF Marianne Jahre – Professor, Department of Industrial Management and Logistics, Lund University
  • PDF Susanne Meier – Vice President CSR Strategy and Policy, Deutsche Post DHL
  • PDF Birgitte Stalder-Olsen – Head of Logistics, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
  • PDF Jean-Pierre Mustin – ECHO
In industry or services nobody would deny the importance of design. It is even clear to simple consumers that 80% of the quality of a car is in the design. If a car has been poorly designed it will be quasi-impossible to make it better during its production and use phases. Therefore, private business invests in R&D in order to bring innovative and better products and services to the market. Not so in the humanitarian world. Very little money can be spent on better preparedness (design) since the common belief is still that every penny should go directly to serve beneficiaries. However, a poorly prepared system will suffer from poor (and expensive) execution.

Given the severe changes in the humanitarian landscape there is a need to carefully revisit the importance of preparedness and to invest a lot more effort into it. More importantly, preparedness does not only determine quality of response, it also largely shapes sustainability. Firstly, preparedness will strongly influence the link between response and subsequent stages of the disaster life-cycle. And, second, preparedness needs to be sustained and continuously improved in itself, for instance by increasingly smart use of modern technologies and stronger inclusion of local communities.

This panel will discuss sustainability in preparedness from different stakeholder perspectives, link it with other stages of the disaster life-cycle and elucidate what complementary roles different actors from multiple sectors can play. Clearly, emphasis will also be placed on building local capacity and stronger inclusion of local communities and markets.
4:45 PM PANEL 2: Information and Communication Technology - Sustainable Solutions
Organized by Jarrod Goentzel, Founder and Director, MIT Humanitarian Response Lab
  • PDF Lars Peter Nissen, Director, Assessment Capacities Project
  • Gisli Olafsson, Global Program Director Emergency Response, NetHope
  • PDF Daniel Stauffacher, Founder and Chairman, ICT4Peace Foundation

Technology continues to enable more data collection and communication in society as a whole. Various technologies are being created or adapted to address specific needs of a humanitarian response – though many of them are underutilized or have a short shelf life. Given myriad technological alternatives, what is the key to creating sustainable and impactful solutions?

This panel will provide perspectives on the increasing role of technology for humanitarian crisis management. They will briefly discuss the following:

  1. Examples where technology (e.g. mobile phones, satellite imagery) enables useful data gathering in a crisis.
  2. Analytical technology and processes that are needed to transform data into actionable information.
  3. Ways in which technology can extend the collective intelligence to improve decision-making among the host government, local communities, individual citizens, NGOs, private sector, military and donors.
  4. The keys to rolling out solutions on a larger scale for sustainable impact.

A workshop the following day will continue this discussion in small groups. This discussion will focus more specifically on the role of technology in health and humanitarian logistics decisions. We will capture workshop participant ideas in real time using Google docs or similar technology.

5:45 PM Announcements
6:00 PM Reception/Dinner
  • Karl Gernandt – Executive Vice Chairman, Delegate of the Board of Directors and Member of the Executive Committee, Kuehne+Nagel

Day 2: Thursday, March 22nd, 2012

8:30 AM Conference Registration Opens
9:00 AM Recap of Day 1
  • Luk Van Wassenhove – Conference Co-chair, Academic Director of The KLU – INSEAD Research Center on Humanitarian Logistics and Professor at INSEAD
9:15 AM Panel 3: Developing Sustainable Food Distributions Systems
Organized by Julie Swann and Pinar Keskinocak (Conference Co-Chairs)
  • PDF Louise Bloom - Project Manager, International Supply & Logistics, Oxfam Great Britain
  • PDF Francois Kayitakire - FOODSEC Action Leader, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
  • PDF Daniel Mumuni – Director West Africa, Home Grown School Feeding (HGSF) Global
  • PDF Peter Schaller - Operations Officer, WFP logistics, Democratic Republic of Congo
Food has been identified as one of the top problems facing humanity, currently and for the next decades to come. Many humanitarian efforts are focused around addressing hunger, through distribution of food, improvements in agriculture, or other mechanisms, with a focus on emergency or long-term needs. Supply chains are an essential part of the food aid system, including both traditional supply chains that deliver grains, complex supply chains that deliver processed foods, or new delivery models that distribute aid that enables the purchase of food.

This panel of representatives from United Nations agencies, non-governmental organizations, and private companies will provide a variety of perspectives in how to design supply chains for food aid that are sustainable, including both traditional food aid models and alternative mechanisms for delivery of food aid.  The group will address the different channels for food aid including school feedings, assistance to farmers, or others.  Key questions include not only designing the distribution system but also how to evaluate the system, plan for the removal of food aid as the need decreases, and minimize disruption to the local system.
11:00 AM Break and Poster Presentations
11:30 AM Panel 4: Building Sustainable Primary Care and Health Delivery Systems
Organized by Julie Swann and Pinar Keskinocak (Conference Co-Chairs)
  • PDF Andrea Coleman – Co-Founder and CEO, Riders for Health
  • PDF Luke Disney – Executive Director, North Star Alliance
  • PDF Maeve Magner – Chief Executive Officer - RTT Trans Africa
  • PDF Rudolf Tangermann - Medical Officer, Global Polio Eradication Initiative, World Health Organization, Geneva
  • Muntaqa Umar-Sadiq - Technical Advisor to the Honorable Minister of State for Health, Nigeria
Health remains a top priority in the humanitarian field for a number of reasons. While the focus seems clear (provide healthcare to those in need), the environment often is not. There are manifold political and economic determinants of health in humanitarian emergencies, and different priorities and policies among the stakeholders (mostly governments and NGOs).

The panel will address these issues and critically review the current debate on approaches to sustainable health systems for primary care and prevention. It focuses on 5 main areas:
  • What are the major challenges in long term public health, in the developed and developing countries? What can we learn from successes in the past for the challenges of the future?
  • What are the interdisciplinary/collaborative challenges in planning and running public health initiatives?
  • What is the role of ICT, especially in developing countries, in improving public health?
  • What type of information is critical for the success of public health initiatives? What kind of decision-support tools are currently available in the market to aid decisions in public health? Do we need new decision-support tools or additional capability in some areas?
  • What are the challenges in preparing for public health emergencies? Which roles should governments, NGOs, or other organizations play? Do the challenges depend on the type of emergency? What are the tradeoffs between short term effectiveness and the long term impact on the community?
1:15 PM Lunch and Poster Presentations
2:30 PM Parallel Workshops (workshop descriptions)
Workshop 1: Humanitarian Supply Chains Communities of Practice
Organized by Albert Angehrn – Professor of Information Technology, INSEAD and George Fenton – Conference Co-Chair and Chairman, The Humanitarian Logistics Association
  • Hilarie Cranmer – Assistant Professor, Global Health and Population, Harvard School of Public Health
  • Rob McConnell – Executive in Residence, INSEAD Humanitarian Research Group
Workshop 2: Logistics Partnerships
Organized by Luk Van Wassenhove – Conference Co-Chair
  • Olivier Delarue – Head, International Corporate Partnerships, UNHCR
  • Eduardo Martinez, Director, The UPS Foundation
  • Paul Molinaro – Emergency Logistics Officer, UNICEF
  • Andrew Stanhope – Logistics Officer, World Food Programme
Workshop 3: Nutrition in Emergencies – The Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) Supply Chain
Organized by Laura Rock Kopczak - Adjunct Professor, Zaragoza Logistics Center and Jan Komrska - Contracts Specialist, Essential Medicines & Nutrition, Medicines and Nutrition Center UNICEF
  • Ann Allen - Research Associate, INSEAD Humanitarian Research Group
  • Alice Bruneau – Operations Manager, Nutriset
  • Elaine Collins - Finance Manager, Nutriset
  • Andrews Wongani Gunda – Program Manager PMTCT and Nutrition, Clinton Health Access
  • Adeline Lescanne-Gautier – General Manger, Nutriset
Workshop 4: Information and Communication Technology for Logistics Decisions
Organized by Jarrod Goentzel - Director, MIT Humanitarian Response Lab
  • Cameron Birge - Logistics Officer, Global Logistics Cluster, World Food Programme, Rome
4:00 PM Break and Poster Presentations
4:30 PM Parallel Workshops (continued)
6:00 PM End of the Day

Friday, March 23rd, 2012

9:00 AM Reporting Back from the Workshops and Pulling Things Together
Part 1 - Reporting Back from the Workshops
  • PDF George Fenton - Conference Co-Chair
  • PDF Jarrod Goentzel - Founder and Director, MIT Humanitarian Response Lab
  • PDF Laura Rock Kopczak - Adjunct Professor, Zaragoza Logistics Center
  • Luk Van Wassenhove, Conference Co-Chair

Moderated by: Hetty van Doorn – General Manager, Everywhere - Humanitarian Response and Logistics Services

Part 2 - Pulling Things Together
  • Pierre Boulet-Desbareau - Freelance Logistics Expert
  • Bervery Chawaguta – Logistics Officer, World Food Programme
  • Phoebe Kung’u – Regional Supply Manager and International Division Purchasing Lead, Oxfam GB
  • Susan Ng'ong'a – Supply Chain Manager, Logistics Cluster, Red Cross Kenya
  • Farshid Raminfar – Logistics Officer, Norwegian Refugee Council
  • Laszlo Viranyi – Director of Procurement, Administration and Logistics Management, Mercy Corps

Moderated by: George Fenton – Conference Co-Chair and Chairman, The Humanitarian Logistics Association

The purpose of the first part of this session is to have summary presentations from the panelists on the discussions and outputs from the different Workshops. So the panelists will be the Workshop leaders with a person moderating the session. This will then be followed by a plenary discussion with the panelists and the audience with the objective to identify common threads and potential synergies between ideas and actions.

The second part of this session will bring a set of field practitioners on stage to reflect on the issues discussed during the conference. What are their real needs and how were the conference discussions of use to them? The objective of this panel discussion is to try to bridge the gap between theory and practice, and to hopefully make the step toward some useful action items.

10:30 AM Break and Poster Presentations
11:00 AM Closing Session: The Way Forward
Organized by Özlem Ergun, George Fenton, Pinar Keskinocak, Julie Swann, Conference Co-Chair and Luk Van Wassenhove (Conference Co-Chairs)
  • Beatriz Ayala-Öström – Freelance Health Systems Development and Procurement and Supply Chain Management Consultant
  • Marianne Jahre – Professor, Department of Industrial Management and Logistics, Lund University
  • Birgitte Stalder-Olsen – Head of Logistics, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
The closing session will be managed by a panel consisting of the conference co-chairs and high level experts from the humanitarian sector. The objective of this session is again simple but challenging. We hope to be able to draw clear conclusions and to link them to a set of priorities and potential action items.

We would like to ask you to help us pro-actively to bring the conference to a useful closure as well as an actionable plan for further initiatives. I.e. we want this conference to be useful to all of us.

More specifically, our conclusions should strive to highlight concrete ideas for improving sustainability in humanitarian and health supply chains and how different stakeholders and sectors can/should collaborate to make this happen.
12:00 PM End of the Conference

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